Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stamina Building

Hey team!

How's everyone feeling now that school's about to reopen in a matter of.. well, ONE DAY? Haha! Anyways, a few of us got together and started planning ahead for the upcoming Wave Challenge (25th April) and we realised that the ONE THING we, (G12) lack the most is.. STAMINA. That's right, girls. Our stamina is really weak. So what we've planned is, every Sunday for the next few weeks, we're gonna try to build up our stamina.

is joining us-anyone and everyone is invited. bring your friends along if they can motivate you to strive harder.
bring your mum along if she'd treat us to free drinks after the work out.
you know how it goes! :D
to contact for more info-VON 0164668137.

we're gonna do-we'll play some captain ball, jog and run as well.
to bring-bottle of water, some money (about RM5 should be enough) and a towel.
be as 'light' as you can.

Sundays 5pm-630pm
(1) 22nd March
(2) 29th March
(3) 5th April
[12th April canceled cos it's Easter!]
(4) 19th April

Youth Park

So come on girls, wear your G12 tshirt (or any MGS/PFA tshirt) loud and proud and let's work out together!

I expect to see YOU there!

Friends from other clubs are invited to join us too.
Just let us know beforehand, thankyou! (:

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Sexytary's Day Off

Hello, everyone! Say hi to our guest blogger for the day; Lee Huey Yuen! *cricket sounds* Okay, okay. Yvonne has graciously passed on the duty of updating G12's blog to Huey Yuen this week due to exam stress. Muahaha! =D So anyways, this post was written by Huey Yuen, and then "screened" by, Yours Truly. Enjoy!

A Day Without Coach Nick
by Lee Huey Yuen

Training started with a missing person. Where did coach Nick go? Instead, training was coached by our two leading ladies, Valerie and Charmaine! We did some killers in the field, watched by the whole crowd in the canteen, and then went back into the gym. Warm ups were led by Von, who then passed the time over to Charmaine who went straight to conducting the drills. After a short briefing, it was time for some action!

1. Passing in a triangle/ straight line
-went pretty well, although balls were flying everywhere

2. 'The one where, you know, you pass the ball, then it hits a wall (hey, it rhymes!) then the other fella gets the ball, and then shoots?' (the three of us - HY, Von and Lara don't know what this drill is called)

3. Snake

4. Passing, calling for ball and shots (The big Three-In-One)

Then, we moved on to PHYSICAL TRAINING!! =O Everyone found out how physically unfit they are. It was filled with repeated push ups due to the unserious-ness/i-cannot-do-it-lah attitudes of some. It just kept going and going and going, on and on and on… We moved on to the dreaded front and side bridge. 2 words- excruciatingly painful! Some couldn’t keep up for example, Von. (Von says: HOI!) ONE really needed to pee yet wasn’t allowed and it felt so awkward; our star player, HY. Von was in her element when she quoted that she and the rest of us all felt like 'pigs rolling around in mud' because we had to do all this on the disgusting gym floor. EEWWWW...

Finally, GAME TIME! It was overall a good game with a few awesome goals here and there.

Val and Charm did an awesome job coaching G12! Everything went pretty smooth ;)

More pictures coming soon! Stay tuned.