Friday, January 23, 2009

After the jump

21st January 2009
The afternoon started off with 3 of our girls; Sue Rene, Huey Yuen and Yvonne awaiting Coach Nicholes Ong at the MGS front gate. Hmm, it was nearing 2.30pm, and still no sight of Nick. Just when the three girls were about to give up and head to the gym, Nick arrived on his bike with all his equipment. Let the training begin!

Von took the attendance for the day and was shocked to see about 35 players' names signed up to join G12 Floorball Club. Like, wow! But unfortunately, her efforts in making sure everyone was on time pretty much failed. The newbies were a bit sesat and therefore only entered the gym once she and Charmaine went to hunt them down in the canteen.

Coach Nick started off with getting 4 girls to lead the whole 'herd' for a 5-round run around the field outside the gym. Charm, Valerie, Shu Lynn and Von were his chosen victims. After the tiring run, Charm led the girls with some warm ups.

Nick then paired the Juniors up with a Senior each. Sort of like a mentor-mentee thingy. He wanted the seniors to lead and mentor their juniors all year long. Well, you know us. And things didn't exactly go as planned. It was pretty tough getting the Seniors and Juniors to work alongside each other.

He then got us to do some passings. That was when the Seniors really led the Juniors in teaching them how to pass correctly. Senior, Shu even found her long-lost twin, [Khai Lynn]! They really do look alike! The language barrier was quite an issue, so Shu had to mentor her Junior by speaking to her in Hokkien. "Sak ka tua lat tampok!" = "Push harder". It was a very cute sight, the two of them.

After passings, Nick got us to do the snake drill. The juniors didn't know what to expect, and most of them scurried around Nick's green cones. However, they did try to shoot some balls into the goal post. Kudos to them for that.

Finished off with that, he then seperated us into two groups; Seniors and Juniors combined. He coached the bigger group consisting of more Juniors while Val coach the smaller group. This time it was to train the girls' shooting skills. In the midst of sucessful/unsucessful shots taken, a familiar face in the Floorball family, Kenny Khoo entered MGS's Gymnasium. With a few waves and Hellos here and there, the girls got back to shooting.

Training ended soon after. Now the girls were about to find out why Kenny was really here for. New sticks, of course! The girls surrounded Kenny when he brought out the new sticks. Nick asked the girls to give the man some room to breathe, but with the echoing "ooohh"s and "aahhh"s, together with "sooo prettyyy!" and "how much?! how much?!"; the girls only got closer to the sticks. It sounded pretty much like a market in there. After finding out that the most expensive stick being RM510 and the cheapest stick RM98, the excitement on some of the girls faces drained because they can't afford a stick. Shu and Von took the oppurtunity to put up their sticks for auction, valueing at RM200 and RM50 respectively. Yes, we were that desperate for a shiny new stick.

Some reservations were made on the sticks, some asked for trade-ins but everything can only be settled during the next training, when school reopens after the week-long Chinese New Year holidays.

YAY Factor : The Orientation Day proved to be successful, as we have an estimated total of 25 players this year.

BOO Factor : We might not be able to afford to send in all 5 lines for the upcoming Youthwave.

Highlight of the day : Coach Nick's 'Einstein' hair when he took off his helmet. HAHA!

G12 Floorball Club would like to take this oppurtunity to wish everyone in the floorball family and friends a Happy Chinese New Year!
Gong Xi Fa Chai :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

PFA Division-2 League 2009

*click to enlarge*

Our girls are not participating, but do go and watch the games
to show some support for the other teams that are playing! :)

All games are held at Dalat Int. School, Tg. Bungah
on the respective dates and times.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Michael Jackson moment(s)

Never thought you find an almost-unknown blogger trespassing through this almost-barren land isn't it? As promised, and since i'm bored, (new people here apparently sleep super early. Like 9pm early) i've decided to walk you through the life of a she-Michael Jackson.

I'm not completely burried under metres of snow, but it has been the coldest week ever for UK. And as of this moment that i'm blogging now, it's about -4. It can go to -8 sometimes. And being generous, the college decides to off the heater now and again at night. They thought sharing the cold winds would do us some good. I'm still harvesting a flu cause, it seems to have rooted itself into me, so it's really cold out, and i can't feel my nose. That is a Michael Jackson moment. (I stole Junn's line from his blog)

College hasn't exactly started. I haven't started studying but i already sat for an English test, and soon to follow, a Math test. Wish me luck on that. My math is getting a little rusty. Perhaps 1 + 1 questions may appear. English was basically a placement paper to see if you're in the 'Bad' band or the 'Worst' band. I completely feel out of place at times cause everyone here is rather smart in a non-geeky way.

We've got a student hall with 6 iMacs and disco's once in a while plus 4 fusball tables. In the gym they've got a not so huge court. It's bigger than Dalat, but it isn't very big. They've got floorball. Or so i hope it is. They call it Unihoc here. But i think i'd be the only one playing. It's okay, it's about time someone revamped the floorball spirit into these bookworms.

Talking about bookworms, my neighbour is a bookworm and she proudly admits to that. She actually brought her own dictionary. I didn't bother. Though, one would be good. I can read the dictionary if there's a fire and all my other entertaining have turned into ashes. But i'd rather be making a snowash-man out of the ashes. Well my housemates are nice. I stay in a single room. The shower is rather dingy, but i'm still thankful we get hot water. Nice it-burns-your-skin hot water.

If i'm short on books i walk across the hall, if i'm short on food i knock next door, if i feel like pinching cheeks, i go across the hall too. There's a common kitchen, as in really common, it's in the middle of snow covered lands open for everyone. The pool is small and my room is small. I can't split not because i'm not flexible enough but because there's not enough space. I feel like an outsider cause i came with only clothes and a packet of noodles. I guess i'm living off my suitcase.

Oh, my room is pretty much boring. 4 solid walls, 1 window and a sink. Pretty much sounds like prison. There's about 4 dudes from penang. No girls. And the guys all speak mandarin. The girls, we already pretty much have cliques. I'm not in any particular one, but i'm still bouncing around.

p/s. Dear G12 members, you are free to sign with any team but Youthwave is our living glory! We've held ourselves mighty for all the years thus far, let's continue our legacy! Study smart, play hard. We still stand as a team. I might be thousands of galaxies away, but i'm still G12 in spirit. Alumni! =D I'd like to watch you make me proud. Get skype, get wireless and stream it to my room!! I miss playing floorball very much. I even miss playing in that gym, under tables, across broken planks. When you believe, nothing is impossible. Be strong!

13. Lara.UK

First Meeting

The first meeting for G12 will be on the
21st of January
from 215pm to 415pm
at the MGS Gymnasium.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

The New School Year

.. back to school, girls ..
have fun tomorrow!

loyal, we'd ever be
to our dear mgs.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

A New Beginning

1st January 2009.

First off, on behalf of the team I'd like to wish Lara all the best in all her future undertakings in the UK. As most of you may know, Lara has parted from us to further her tertiary studies at the Concord College in Shrewsbury, United Kingdom. The team is looking forward to see you again when you come back to visit in June.

The year 2008 was a great year for all of us. As all the partying has finally come to an end, 2009 is here! It's a new year, with new beginnings and new experiences to be penned down in this blog.

It's that time of the year again where we welcome back current players and recruit new blood. We hope those who signed up to join G12 will take the matter seriously and attend each and every training we have.

Things will change. The elected successors will take over the duties of past leaders and form a new committee. "Cooperation is key". We hope the team would cooperate well with each other.

The new year calls for new resolutions, and therefore I think that this year, G12's resolution should be - not to be tardy. "Time and tide waits for no man". Training starts at 2.15pm, and it is expected that each and every one of us should be at the gym by that time. Late comers will be fined. Lower Secondary students have no excuse, as classes end at 1.25pm on Wednesdays. Science Stream students are not excused either, they just have to take the initiative to get to the gym by the time training starts.

As for the club, I hope that the club gains more recognition. I want the club to inspire and to be inspired by the other clubs around. We are good at what we do. We just have to strive a little bit harder. I quote Althea Gibson, who said that "in sports, you simply aren't considered a real champion until you have defended your title successfully. Winning it once can be a fluke; winning it twice proves you are the best". So come on, girls! Let's go out there and win them medals once again!

The girls of G12. We make G12 what it is today. We are the beat of this heart. I hope that the girls of G12 will continue to support each other, and to cheer on for each other; and to keep that passion for floorball burning!

"If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat."
- Herschel Walker

"Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory."
- Arthur Ashe

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
- Michael Jordan

"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision."
- Muhammad Ali

See It, Fake It, Take It;
G12 Floorball Club 2009.