Friday, December 12, 2008

From beyond.

Since SPM is long-gone-over and deeply buried under the sands of the past, i shall not hide behind the G12 persona. It's about time I speak for myself and take credit for my penmanship. Or lack of.

Lara's farewell party.

The proposed plan: Lara's surprise farewell party.
Mission status: Failed.
The truth: Lara knew everything about it and she even helped organize it.

So well, we have learnt that Von's heart is in the right place, but her head isn't quite on the right page. She did an awesome job of getting everyone there and thinking of feeding hungry packs of wolves. The only problem was that, she turned up later than me. She probably planned herself a surprise party! Her scheming plans!

It's a good thing i didn't appear early to supposedly 'entertain' our dear fire-starting-people, they didn't show up early, nor did they even start a fire. I obviously did the right thing at the right time. It took a while before our dear organizer decided to show up with her posse of people food.

I'm attempting to keep it short.

Fire got started, we got eating, the kids/boys went wild, sand was being thrown, and the regular antics of kids-on-the-beach began showing their true colours: they're still kids at heart (especially the boys/hooligans)

The end.

Well, that was basically the night. This is my part where i thank all that travelled many many many miles just to roll on the sand.

Anyway, i wish i could write you guys the saddest most saddest post you've ever laid eyes on, but, i'll save it for the few days prior to floating off into the cold dark skies of this forsaken town with the cutest mushroom-sounding-name, Shrewsbury. I had this overjoyed excitement in me for this awesome night. I went home with sand in my pants and all that didn't matter because i had a great time. And it didn't quite exactly involve labored breathing, head sweating moments. Not entirely anyway. And i'm touched (which is rarely) for the effort and time.

Let's not make this into the "touching" post yet. I'll be back for more. [screams and runs in circles] Just wait. Photo's will be on facebook. No facebook? It's time you adventured into the greater depths the cyber-world has to offer.

Love always,

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