Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hierachy (Edited)

Dearest G12,

This has been an updated version of the previous post. Again, i repeat myself that this is trully embarassing and heart-wrenching to have to address such a matter on such a public note. I wish i could have prevented mishaps of such from happening.

How much of this is true, it depends on individuals. It may not apply to all, but it's good to keep this in mind that we're one team and we play as a team, stay as a team and work as a team. Like tha all famous quotes on team work, the same thing applies to us. Let me remind you, there is no I in team. We work together.

This isn't a one (wo)man show. To garner respect, to create a name for yourself, you have to earn it. As a team, as one. There is no ONE individual prize for the ONE superstar, but you work at it together, grow to respect one another. We're more than JUST a team, we're a family!

Guided by the hard-working hands of a coach, do respect them. Despite having the skills, no one's perfect. There are flaws, sad to say, and you can save yourself and your team from faillure.

Dear captains, you may hold the upper power, but don't forget your team. Without them, you're a no one. If it wasn't for you last year, i would have been a nobody. I would have no team. I've learnt from my faults that team work is the only way to win. There is no point in having your line, your team win. But to win as a team, on a whole. You will not understand that feeling until you've gone through it. Watching 2 teams fill the top two spots, that was real. It made you feel proud. Just being part of it means alot.

Appreaciate the power you have, but do not ignore your responsibilities. You need to earn respect to get respect. Who are you if it isn't for your team. Who do you represent if it isn't your own team. When you wear the jersey and cheer your team, you need to have the dominating spirit for all your lines. Captains, you are not along on this march. You set the rules, you set the standards and you have to set the pace. You're from the elite. Prove them worthy of your respect. Beyond our court and school, G12 will be recognised, if you play it right.

Think this over team, respect, team work and cooperation. Skills can be harvested, but you need the foundations right to get the right team. You have to work towards a team. Not towards medals.


p/s. I hope this in no way has offended any of you. But, somethings need to be said before it gets too far. One team.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Training Info

*click to enlarge (: