Friday, June 20, 2008

The Little Saviour

The common denominator in our team; the fear of high speed balls. For one girl it wasn't just a mere accident, she wanted it and went for it. While many cringe at the thought of being behind a caged-helmet one girl found it an achievement to touch the helmet more so to get to wear it. She wore it with such great passion. Behind the helmet, she ignored her fears and the fear of others.

"You have nothing to fear but fear itself" - Franklin D. Roosevelt.

She put on a brave front as she walked towards the goal and placed herself in between high speed shots and became the saving grace. She gave it her best. and she in return got her best. Trained by our very own Linken, she armored herself and trained. Persistently. Every week.

Practice is the key to perfection. But to become the one the team counts on isn't a light load to carry. She carries the responsibility of every other player. To be a goalie by choice is an achievement. And for her incredible indomitable spirit, she deserves this post. she deserves the song of praises by the rest of our team. Without her, there'd be no team.


Being in form 1, you've got great potential to be the best. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

magazine business

the proposed plan: whole coloured page in the Review 2008 (MGS Mag)
the unwanted problem: insufficient funds.
the goal: (unknown)

The kinder of man has sufficed with the generous offering of an anonymous man who has offered to get the ball rolling by putting in half the page money needed into our little tin can. The total we would need is 300. However if targets aren't met, the money will be put into purchasing more and better equipments ie. balls and sticks.

Basically, we need money, fast.

Feedbacks would be nice.

Requesting your feedback via email or tagboard or during training.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Training Update

Please be informed that training on the

18th June 2008

is canceled.

Pn Loh will be absent on the above date and there is no replacement teacher/manager.

Training will resume the following week as normal.

Reminder: Training is 2.15-4.15pm.

Late comers will be punished.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


MJC Friendly

Truth: I got lazy to rotate the pictures.
Confession: Pictures aren't too good.
Plead: Do forgive me for the bad shots.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Do forgive me because i couldn't find a PFA logo.

I shall leave the game comments to the better writers and more experienced players. I fear rambling in my own thoughts.

PFA & MJC Women.

PFA Women's Team.

Final score (Women):


PFA & MJC Men's Team.

Sorry I couldn't get a better shot of the guys team.

Final score (Men):

- 5

The Masterminds & Talents

All photo's will be posted up soon.

Conclusion - 
An experience not to be forgotten. Maybe we didn't play our ultimate best, but we surely tried. 

Credits go to the organizers, coaches, captains, supporters, last but not least, MERIDIAN JUNIOR COLLEGE.