Thursday, May 29, 2008


Date: 3rd JUNE (Tuesday)
Time: 7pm-10pm. (estimated)
Location: ye ol' faithful Balik Pulau Sports Complex

Match details
Meridian Junior College (Singapore) 
Penang State Team. 
1 full guys team & 1 full girls team.

Cheer our players on as they sweat it all out on the court. Be our cheerleader and get our spirits flying. A little effort goes a long way.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


G12 players interested, fill up the form.

Join just for the experience. It isn't always about winning. Try your best and show your skills on court. bring your game on!

i hope to see some of you there.

Do come and show support for the other players that are taking part.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Dalat Training.

Dalat Training is back on again!
Every Tuesday and Saturday night, 7pm-9pm.
For now, the training will still be open to all avid floorball players.
Come June, Tuesday's training will be catered solely for state players.
So, make sure you guys come while you can!!!
Every extra little minute spent, is an extra lifetime of knowledge.

Try to make it if you can.


A Job Well Done (delayed)

Delayed, i know. But its good to relive our victory. =D
A job well done to all involved.
Applauds to our coaches, teacher-advisor cum manager, and our supporters.
And to yourself for giving it all you've got.



PTPY Challenge (7 & 14 Jun)
"Play in a Team, Play for Yourself" is a new floorball competition format introduced by ContactSports that will challenge the individual and team skills of a player as they will be put to play together with different team mates throughout the competition. An exciting "NEW" in the floorball arena.

IF interested contact me for forms and details.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dear G12

My dearest G12,

Don't ever forget this.
G12 is incomplete without all of you. the noise-makers, joy-bringers, and the great players. i wouldn't exchange any other team for anyone of you. we're one and we stay as one. even when i'm half way around the world, G12 is still my number one team. even if i'm in some other team. don't ever forget you're the ONE. you are what you want to be, CHAMPIONS. you can make it happen and you don't need me to tell you that.

even those who just started playing. you've brought life into the game. you've brought along the spirit. you kept the flags waving. you are the voice behind the glory. you are the reason we're champions. though some didn't win, that isn't all its about. you tried your best and you gave it all. and thats the undying spirit that we should see in all of us. you are champions just by taking part.

i barely did anything for all of you. you did this all for yourself and no one else. you're great players with a great heart that carries the true spirit of the game. Floorball is in MY blood and i hope it'll be in yours too.

my time as president and captain may have been short but i think i've done the best i've could. i hope i showed you the true spirit of floorball. the game. MY GAME.

remember this. you're who you are who you are. and you decide who you're going to be.

lara hearts G12.

it might be my last year and i'm proud to have this moment in my life with all of you in it. my team is what i call my family. i trust all of you like how we trust one another. thanks for making me cry. you made me proud. and i'm glad you're MY TEAM! and i was apart of it.

love always.

G12, my family, my life.
Ednamodes: Huey Yuen; Alexandra; SYoong; Von; Arlene.
Dashes: Charmaine; Valerie; Bee Lin; Ruth; Cezanne; ShuLynn.
Violets: Andria; Hanaa; Mandy; Pei Yi; KhaiYi; HuiFen.
the undying spirits of YeeLing; Amber; Wendy; Cheryl.